Sunday, March 22, 2009

Shows You Probably Haven't Seen .... But they're really good!

Most of these you can find on amazon or on ebay !

1. Hex....british mini-series (each season is like 8 episodes) only the first season is out on DVD for region one....It's so good. It's about witches/demons/angels..... No one famous is in it but each episode is suspensful and season two completely changes the game and still remains fun!

2. UltraViolet....another British mini-series (6 episodes in all) It stars Jack Davenport and Stephen Moyer(TruBlood) it's about vampires. This lore involves infection and viruses! Starts a little slow as the HERO (Davenport) tries to figure out what is happening.

3. Wolf Lake...From CBS like 6 years ago. It never really had a chance cause of the way the kept moving it around. You can get it (bootleg) on Ebay. It has a lot of famous people in it...Tim Mattheson, Lou Diamond Phillips, Paul Wesley, Sharon Lawrence, Gram Greene, Mia Kurshner. It's about a society of werewolves and the outsider (Phillips) trying to figure it all out!

4. Jekyll .... Okay, another British mini-series (you can buy on Amazon) starring James Nesbitt as a modern day Dr. Jekyll.... Nesbitt is good as Jekyll and so so so good as HYDE!

5. Can't decide on my last favorite...I'll update later...any suggestions?

Sequel's Suck...Mostly

So, there are many bad, bad movie sequel's and very few good ones. I have decided to list the seconds that I actually like. First of all, Final Destination 2 (which is by far, better than the original- likewise The Godfather 2) My favorite Star Wars is Jedi (which I guess is a threequel) and although I may be the only one.... Ghostbusters 2 is a favorite. Charlie's Angel's 2 was okay (the first one was okay too - not great- but the sequel wasn't worse).... Hmmm... What other sequel's are worth mentioning?

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Actors who will get me to the theater....and so on...

As I was thinking about going to see KNOWING starring Nick Cage, I was trying to compile a list in my head of actors whose previous work is so consistently my taste that regardless of trailer, I would see.
Denzel....awesome....Inside Man, Remember the Titans, Out of Time, Bone Collector....the man makes some great film choices! (Of course Deja Vu sucked but nobody's perfect)
Tommy Lee Jones...Fugitive, Double Jeopardy, US Marshalls, No Country For Old Men, even that stupid comedy Man Of The House was pretty funny!
Julia Roberts.... Cliche, I know...but she does pick some good ones. Oceans, Runaway Bride, Erin Brockovich.....
I am sure my list will grow longer ..... this is just a start? Who do you think is a MUST See Actor?

Review of KNOWING-Mostly a MISS

So, right off the bat, I have to tell you that I am a huge fan of this type of movie. Big movie star, random action, plot to save the world....yadda yadda. I have to say that KNOWING did not live up to all of my expectations. It starts out great. The backstory involves a school 50 years burying a time capsule and a creepy little girl that goes missing.
It then starts to drag. As Nicholas Cage (tortured, alcoholic single dad) puts all the pieces together the story moves along.. but really slowly. The disaster scenes are good though!
The acting is okay. Nicholas Cage is goodish (same as normal) The two kids in the film are okay, the boy is pretty good. Rose Byrne is not nearly as sharp as on Damages.
The storyline has a lot of holes and is very preachy at times, which is very annoying. Overall, I would say hit the theater if you're a fan of this type (I suggest a large caffeinated drink during) or MISS if you just thought that the trailer was catchy!

Top 5 Reasons to Start Watching Dollhouse

1. Really Unique!- I don't know of another show about people being programed to be other people without be overtly creepy!

2. Joss Whedon- Have to say, I love all things Whedon-related! (Even the Buffy movie!)

3. Great Cast- Mostly unknowns (except Dushku, Williams, Reed and Acker) but they work really well together! Immediately you like the good guys, question the questionables and dislike the (probable) bad guys!

4. Friday Night- Okay, so TV basically sucks on Friday. So on that Friday when you are actually home....It's nice to have something to watch. (And the Fridays you're out/at work it's a great DVR)

5. It Keeps Getting Better- There is nothing better than a show that keeps getting better each episode. Just like LOST, ALIAS, BUFFY...every episode adds additional questions! Love That!

Friday, March 20, 2009

My DVD pix this week! (From the Expert)

Yeah well, everything sucks this week. No new movies have been coming out lately. Soon, all the Oscar winners/nominee films will be released and the studios are cleaning out the crap! A couple bright spots include the little seen comedy "Bottle Shock" the Tommy Lee Jones mystery "In the Electric Mist" and the thriller "The Lodger".
So, my official recommendation is to catch up on all the lesser knowns this week and wait for Bond & Slumdog Millionaire in the next few weeks!

The Top 5 Shows On TV right Now (and why)

1. True Blood- HBO (unfortunately season 2 doesn't start until Summer) This show is so much's thrilling, scary, funny and dramatic and doesn't seem to take itself too seriously.

2. Torchwood- BBC America (Season Three coming up in April) Great, weird Sci-Fi show. Very unusual. It's sometimes hokey...but that makes it more fun!

3. Dollhouse- FOX So, if you saw the pilot and skipped it I wouldn't blame you, the first episode kind of sucked and it's a really weird premise. It has however gained more and more of my interest every Friday. I know Friday is the night shows go to die, but I hope this one gets a second chance!

4. The New Adventures of Old Christine - CBS This is so funny, the main reason, every character is funny. No one is holding the show hostage - everyone contributes!

5. Criminal Minds- CBS Okay, I know there are a lot of these types of shows (and I kind of love them all) but this one rises above. Some of the episodes are so disturbing! I also love Dr. Spencer Reed!

Honorable Mention: Bones, Supernatural, Gossip Girl, One Tree Hill, Reaper, Dexter, and The Mentalist!